Bootstrap – A Popular Responsive Web Designing Technique

The main purpose of web designing is to create the web site more attractive and helpful for the user. in this regard, Bootstrap plays an important role. it's a wide used term within the field of web designing or better to mention responsive web designing. the method is involving to regulate the web site look irrespective on all devices like desktop, mobile phones, tablet etc. it's a simple to use idea, significantly for beginners. it's an open source application and involving the employment of a free collection of tools for the purpose of web designing. it's considered as a front end framework.
Bootstrap was framed by Jacob thornton and marc Otto at Twitter. It came into idea as a results of high maintenance also as inconsistency problems with alternative sources for the event of user interface.

Basic features of Bootstrap

  • The following few points should be added in this section:
  • Bootstrap closely works with HTML and CSS and JavaScript templates design.
  • It is a supportive programme for each HTML5 and CSS3 version.
  • It is used mostly in many user interface programme like typography, navigation etc.
  • It is operational with all major web browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and internet 
  • explorer etc.
  • It is a mobile 1st design approach.
  • It is a single code based system for all of your web site application.
  • It provides a responsive grid system

Bootstrap contains a default setting with 14px front size and 1.428 line spacing. it's applicable for the complete text together with paragraphs.
Bootstrap Grid is that the combination of twelve columns across the page. The columns are automatically rearranged as per the dimensions of the desktop screen. Moreover, it's four classification models like,

lg – It is used for large desktops.
md – It is used for desktops.
xs- It is compatible with phones.
sm- It is compatible with tablets.

In typography section, with use of certain command it's possible to offer a particular form to your created image. For an example, if you provide .img – rounded – then it'll create a rounded corner shape. equally with .img –circle command, a shape of a circle can appear. Bootstrap works with many html components like

HTML <small> element
HTML<mark> element
HTML<abbr> element
HTML<blockquote> element

Some special applications related to Bootstrap

  • It indicates the creation of jumbotron which is basically a big box filled with special information.
  • Not only that, it is possible to create an alert message which is predefined in nature. The classes are contextualized as, .alert- danger, .alert-warning, .alert-info and, .alert-success.
  • From a set of Glyphicons Halflings, almost 260font icons are available in Bootstrap. Download Glyphicon, Search Glyphicon, Print Glyphicon, Envelop Glyphicon are few of them.
  • A bootstrap badge indicates number of items that are attached with a link and the dropdown menu helps the user to select one value from a list which is predefined.
  • At the top of a page you will find the dialog box which is called Modal Plugin and Navigation bar which expands or collapses as per the screen size. When you will point your mouse on an element of your content, a small pop up box called Toolkit Plugin will appear. If you want to get more options in pop up box then you can use Popover Plugin. On the other hand the Scrollspy Plugin updates the links that are contained in navigation list automatically as per the scroll position. Another one is Affix Plugin which locks an element on a page in a certain area.
  • Bootstrap form layout is containing three types like, vertical form, horizontal form and inline form. Few examples of Bootstrap form control are radio, select, textarea, etc.
  • Through the Bootstrap media object it is possible to align images or videos in the same content. In order to hide and show content in large amount, Bootstrap Collapsible is an effective tool.
