A Real Full Stack Web Developer Should Know | Full Stack Developer Skills

What Should A Real Full Stack Web Developer Know In This Technological World?

Companies need a full stack developer when they are looking for a technical person who is deeply knowledgeable about the various aspects of front-end and back-end development, all the details of various operating systems and technology ecosystems.
Demand for these types of developers is increasing, and they are being tasked with many different responsibilities.
Top 9 Skills A Real Full Stack Developer Should Have1. LAMP Stack Development
The basic things is a complete Full Stack developer should know how to develop web applications using LAMP stacks (Linux, Apache MySQL, and PHP). Today many of these technologies are interchangeable with new yet similar technologies: PostgreSQL instead of MySQL; Nginx instead of Apache; Or Ruby on tracks instead of PHP
They should also be familiar with Microsoft's equivalent, such as Windows and Microsoft IIS, plus .NET and SQL Server.
2. Modeling
A Full Stack developer should also know how to design an application model and analyze requirements - two essential skills.
Obviously, these are not theoretical constructions - they need knowledge about how to manage different types of data diagrams, and how to manage UML.
3. Web Mean Development
Should be known to a full stack developer called MEAN: MongoDB, Express, Angular and NodeIS.
Unlike the final stack, it wants to give a customer's work to the maximum, but with a different philosophical approach.
4. Version Control
In addition, a Full Stack developer needs to know how to use version control tools such as GIT (SVN is now "out of style" and scoffed within the developer community). At the same time, they will need to know how to add GIT with testing and deployment equipment, such as Jenkins, Harko, Bizagao, Go CD, etc.
5. PAAS Y and Cloud Solutions
A good Full Stack developer should also understand how to manage a PAAS (platform as a service) such as Heroku or Amazon. But it is not enough to know how to use them; They have to understand their cost structure as to how, and when these platforms should be deployed or not.
6. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing)
As the above was not enough, a full stack developer also needs some digital marketing chops.
There is a difference between SEO and SEM (which we explain in future blog posts), but full stack developers should have more than just software development skills; They need to know how to promote their applications and how to publish them.
Publishing in the app store is not for beginners, and being the first on Google is a challenge in itself; This is especially true when there is such an abundance of disorderly black hat search practices on the web.
7. Metrics
A Full Stack developer should understand how to export data from analytical tools like Google Analytics. Full stack developers are not just developers - they are also data analyst!
8. Mobile Applications
The full stack developer should have a 100% up-to-date on his knowledge and skills, including how to create mobile apps, both of which are original as well as hybrid. They should be familiar with web and mobile frameworks such as PhoneGap and Titanium and mobile frameworks, icons and shifters, and they must know clearly Objective C, Swift, and Java.
9. Security
Developers who do not know about SQL query injection are those developers who will leave their databases in contact with hackers. A full stack developer should be on the latest technical security best practices.
Full Stack Developers in the Real World
A Full Stack developer with a very comprehensive technical profile, which is familiar with both back-end and front-end functions, understands the system and can see the trees along with the forest. They are growing rapidly in higher and higher demand in the market, and such commands are in the form of top compensation rates.
If you want to get complete knowledge on Full Stack Developer then join our Full Stack Training session at Visualpath. For more information contact us @9704455959.
