What is Pivotal Cloud Foundry?

Pivotal Cloud Foundry
Cloud Foundry is an open resource, multi-cloud application platform as a examine governed by the Cloud Foundry organization. The software was initially developed by VMware and then transferred to Pivotal Software, a joint venture by EMC, VMware, and General Electric. It is a service (PaaS) on which developers can make, deploy, run and scale applications.
 Many Organizations provide the Cloud Foundry Platform separately. For example, the following are some Cloud Foundry providers-
·         Pivotal Cloud Foundry
·         IBM Blue mix
·         HPE Helion Stackato 4.0
·         Atos Canopy
·         Century Link App Fog
·         Huawei FusionStage
·         SAP Cloud Platform
·         Swisscom Application Cloud
Why Cloud Foundry?
Enterprises today want the flexibility, ease of deployment, consistent management philosophy, and framework of PaaS, but often need these capabilities in an on-premises environment. With Cloud Foundry, your organization can run applications on its own computing infrastructure, or deploy them on an infrastructure-as-a-service platform (IaaS) such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, vSphere or OpenStack. Alternatively, you could use a PaaS deployed by a commercial CF provider.
There are myriad reasons why companies need to run specific apps within their data centers. A recent IDG/Sapho study shows that the vast majority of enterprise respondents (78%) plan to upgrade their applications in 2018, an effort is driven largely by an inability to move cloud-based apps for reasons of security, compliance, and other factors (e.g., apps that are too ingrained in daily processes). A huge number of AppDynamics’ customers, for case in point, have committed to PaaS, which often involves moving to an inside cloud.
Nowadays, CF is available from either the Cloud Foundry Foundation as open source software or from several commercial providers as a product or service. It’s a good choice for enterprises that want to reduce the cost and complexity of configuring infrastructure for their apps. Developers can apply existing tools with zero change to their code to deploy apps to CF.
For More Information About  Pivotal Cloud Foundry  CLICK HERE.
