Docker Tutorial for Beginners: Architecture, Installation process

Docker Architecture
Let's talk about Docker main components in the Docker Architecture
Docker Engine
Docker is the client-server type of application which means we have clients who relay to the server. So the Docker daemon called: dockerd is the Docker engine which represents the server. The docker daemon and the clients can be run on the same or remote host, and they communicate through command line client binary, as well as a full RESTful API to interact with the daemon: dockerd.
Docker Images
Docker images are the "source code" for our containers; we use them to build containers. They can have software pre-installed which speeds up deployment. They are portable, and we can use existing images or build our own.
Docker stores the images we build in registries. There are public and private registries. Docker company has public registry called Docker hub, where you can also store images privately. Docker hub has millions of images, which you can start using now.
Docker Containers
Containers are the organizational units of Docker. When we build an image and start running it; we are running in a container. The container analogy is used because of the portability of the software we have running in our container. We can move it, in other words, "ship" the software, modify, manage, create or get rid of it, destroy it, just as cargo ships can do with real containers.

Docker Architecture Diagram
What we have several dockers commands docker pull, docker run.. we will talk more about that later.
Installing Docker on Linux.
To install docker, we need to use the Docker team's DEB packages. For that, first, we need to install some prerequisite packages.
Step 1) Adding prerequisite Ubuntu packages
$ sudo apt-get install \
apt-transport-https \
ca-certificates curl \
*the sign "/" is not necessary it's used for the new line, if want you can write the command without using "/" in one line only.
Step 2) Add the Docker GPG key
$ curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
Step 3) Adding the Docker APT repository
$ sudo add-apt-repository \
"deb [arch=amd64] \
$(lsb_release -cs) \
You may be prompted to confirm that you wish to add the repository and have the repository's GPG key automatically added to your host.
The lsb_release command should populate the Ubuntu distribution version of your host.
Step 4) Update APT sources
$ sudo apt-get update
We can now install the Docker package itself.
Step 5) Installing the Docker packages on Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install docker-ce
The above-given command installs Docker and other additional required packages. Before Docker 1.8.0, the package name was lxc-docker, and between Docker 1.8 and 1.13, the package name was docker-engine.
NOTE: Docker for Windows requires Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise version 14393, or Windows server 2016 RTM to run
Basic Docker commands
The most basic command we must run after installing Docker is $ docker info as we said previously.
$ sudo docker info
You should get the similar or following result

As we can see we have information about docker containers how many are running, paused or stopped and how many images we have downloaded. So let's get our first image.
$ sudo docker pull alpine
With this command we are telling docker to download the image alpine, to pull it from the public registry, the latest version which is set by default.
*alpine is a minimal Docker image based on Alpine Linux with a complete package index and only 5 MB in size.
If we want to run the image as a container, we will use the following command.
$ sudo docker run -i -t alpine /bin/bash
If we run the command, we will be sent directly to the alpine's terminal. The -i flag keeps STDIN open from the container, even when you are not attached to it. This persistent standard input is one half of what you require for an interactive shell. The -t flag is the other half and which instructs Docker to assign a pseudo-tty to the container. This offers us an interactive shell in the new container. We exit the container with a simple exit command.
Now we can try running an Ubuntu image.
$ sudo docker run -it ubuntu /bin/bash
You can notice docker checks for the image locally, and if it's not there, the image is pulled from the image library automatically, and once again we have an interactive shell running. We can also name the containers as we run them.
$ sudo docker run –-name our_container -it ubuntu /bin/bash
and we exit again.
We can also run container we previously created, without an interactive shell.
$ sudo docker start container_name
And stop the container writing docker stop container_name
$ sudo docker stop container_name
If we want to see all running containers, we just run
$ docker ps
And for all containers we add "- a"at the end of this same command, like this docker ps -a.
This command shows Container's ID, which image is using when was created, running status, exposed ports and randomly generated name for the container for easier management.
When we run containers, we would also like to know how much resources they are using, for that purpose we can use the command.
$ docker stats
You can also see which images we have downloaded locally and info about them.
$ sudo docker images
The command displays the docker image with a tag which shows our image version, a distinctive image ID, when was created and image size.
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