Amazon Redshift Online Training

Amazon Redshift is one of the many database solutions offered by Amazon Web Services which is most suited for business analytical workloads. Here in this blog on what is Amazon Redshift & Spectrum, we will learn what is Amazon Redshift and how it works.

Benefits of Amazon Redshift

Now that we understand what is Amazon Redshift and what is Amazon Redshift Spectrum, let move on and discuss the benefits that Amazon Redshift provides.The benefits of Amazon Aurora remain the same for both MySQL compatible and PostgreSQL compatible.


Here’s a partial list of Redshift’s advantages.

·         AWS Integration: AWS is one of the three most popular and often-used cloud solutions (the other two being Azure and Google Cloud, and Redshift works exceptionally well with Amazon Web Services.

·         Data Encryption and Security: Amazon offers many layers of security to its clients, including access control, virtual private clouds, and voluntary data encryption; the client can decide what needs encryption.

·         Speed: Redshift offers unmatched speed, thanks to MPP technology.

·         Easily Deployed: You can deploy a Redshift cluster in minutes and for a fraction of the cost of a traditional data warehouse.

·         Regular, Consistent Backups: Amazon conducts regular, consistent backups, ready for use in restores and data recovery operations. Furthermore, Amazon stores this data across a set of locations.

·         You Can Use Familiar Tools: Redshift uses PostgreSQL, so all SQL queries work with it. Plus, you can choose any ETL (Extract, Transform, Load), SQL, and Business Intelligence (BI) tools you typically use.

·         Repetitive Task Automation: Nothing is as annoying and time-consuming as performing the same irritating little (but completely necessary) tasks every day (or week, month, or whatever).  Redshift lets you automate these pesky repetitive jobs, freeing your staff to tackle the more challenging responsibilities.

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