Docker and Kubernetes Online Training - Visualpath

Docker Dashboard using Portainer, follow these general steps: - Visualpath

Install Docker: Make sure you have Docker installed on your system. You can download and install Docker from the official Docker website for your specific operating system.

Install Portainer: You need to install Portainer to manage Docker resources through its user-friendly web interface. You can do this using Docker itself by running the following command: - Docker Online Training

This command pulls and runs the Portainer Community Edition container. It exposes Portainer on port 9000 and maps the Docker socket for managing Docker resources.

Access the Portainer Dashboard: Once Portainer is up and running, you can access the dashboard by opening a web browser and navigating to http://localhost:9000. - Kubernetes Training Hyderabad

Set Up Portainer: Upon your first visit, Portainer will prompt you to set up an admin user and password. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup.

Connect Portainer to Docker: After setting up the admin account, you'll be prompted to connect Portainer to your Docker environment. Choose the "Docker" option and provide the appropriate connection details. Portainer will connect to your local Docker instance and display information about your containers, images, networks, and volumes. - Docker and Kubernetes Training

Use the Dashboard: With Portainer connected to Docker, you can use the web dashboard to manage various aspects of your Docker environment. You can create, start, stop, and remove containers, manage images, configure networks, and more, all through the user-friendly interface.

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