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GitOps with Kubernetes:

GitOps is a modern approach to managing and automating the deployment and operation of applications and infrastructure using Git repositories as the single source of truth. When it comes to Kubernetes, GitOps simplifies the process of deploying and managing containerized applications on Kubernetes clusters. - Docker and Kubernetes Training in Hyderabad

Here's an overview of how Kubernetes using GitOps works:

Git Repository: In a GitOps workflow, you have a Git repository that serves as the source of truth for your application and infrastructure configurations. This Git repository typically contains YAML files that define your Kubernetes resources, such as deployments, services, ingress controllers, and other objects. - Kubernetes Training Hyderabad

Continuous Integration (CI) Pipeline: Whenever there are changes to your application code or configuration files, you trigger a CI/CD pipeline. This pipeline builds your container images, runs tests, and generates Kubernetes configuration files. The resulting artifacts are stored in the Git repository.

Git Commit and Pull Requests: Changes to your application or infrastructure configurations are made through Git commits and pull requests. This ensures that all changes are tracked, versioned, and reviewed by your team before they are applied to the Kubernetes clusters. - Docker Online Training Hyderabad

GitOps Tooling: GitOps relies on specialized tools to synchronize the state of your Kubernetes clusters with the state described in your Git repository.

Some popular GitOps tools include:

 ArgoCD: ArgoCD is a popular GitOps tool specifically designed for Kubernetes. It continuously monitors the Git repository and ensures that the actual cluster state matches the desired state defined in the Git repository.

Flux: Flux is another GitOps tool that automates the deployment and management of Kubernetes resources based on Git commits.

Declarative Configuration: With GitOps, you describe your desired Kubernetes configuration declaratively in your Git repository. The GitOps tool then reconciles the actual state with the desired state, making necessary updates and changes to the cluster. - Kubernetes Online Training Hyderabad

Rollback and Audit: GitOps allows for easy rollbacks to previous configurations by reverting changes in your Git repository. It also provides an audit trail, making it easier to track who made changes and when.

Observability and Monitoring: You can integrate observability and monitoring tools into your GitOps workflow to gain insights into the health and performance of your applications and clusters.

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