Docker Online Training | Kubernetes Training Hyderabad | Visualpath

Kubernetes Overview

Kubernetes, often abbreviated as K8s, is an open-source container orchestration platform designed to automate the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It was originally developed by Google and is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), making it a widely adopted and highly respected tool in the world of containerization and cloud-native computing. Kubernetes provides a powerful framework for managing containerized applications and services across a cluster of machines. - Docker and Kubernetes Training in Hyderabad


Here's an overview of some key concepts and components in Kubernetes:

Containerization: Kubernetes is designed to work with containers, which are lightweight, portable, and isolated environments that package applications and their dependencies. Docker is one of the most popular containerization tools, and Kubernetes can manage Docker containers, as well as other container runtimes like containerd and CRI-O.

Cluster: A Kubernetes cluster is a set of machines (physical or virtual) that run Kubernetes. - Kubernetes Training Hyderabad

Master Node: The master node is responsible for managing the cluster. It hosts the Kubernetes control plane components, which include the API server, controller manager, scheduler, and etcd (a distributed key-value store for configuration data). The master node makes decisions about the desired state of the cluster and ensures that the cluster converges towards that state.

Worker Nodes: Worker nodes are the machines where containers are scheduled and run. These nodes run container runtimes (e.g., Docker) and the Kubernetes agent called Kubelet, which communicates with the master node to ensure containers are running as expected. - Docker Online Training Hyderabad

Pod: A pod is the smallest deployable unit in Kubernetes. It can contain one or more containers that share the same network namespace, storage volumes, and other resources. Pods are used to group related containers that need to work together, such as a main application container and a sidecar container for logging or monitoring.

Service: A Kubernetes service defines a logical set of pods and a policy for accessing them. It acts as a load balancer and ensures that traffic is directed to the appropriate pods, even as pods are added or removed from the cluster.

                                                - Kubernetes Online Training Hyderabad

ReplicaSet: A ReplicaSet is a controller that ensures a specified number of pod replicas are running at all times. It is used for scaling applications horizontally by adding or removing pod replicas based on the desired configuration.

Deployment: A Deployment is a higher-level abstraction that manages ReplicaSets. It allows for updates and rollbacks of applications with minimal downtime. Deployments are often used to define and manage the desired state of an application.

ConfigMap and Secret: ConfigMaps and Secrets are Kubernetes resources used to store configuration data and sensitive information like API keys, database passwords, or TLS certificates. They allow you to decouple configuration from application code.

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