What is React Native? & Key features and concepts

What isReact Native?

Facebook created React Native, an open-source framework for developing cross-platform mobile applications with JavaScript and React. It allows developers to use the same codebase to create native-like mobile applications for both iOS and Android platforms, reducing development time and effort. React Native is an extension of the popular React library, which is primarily used for building user interfaces in web applications. - ReactJSTraining Course


React Native's key features and concepts include the following:

Cross-Platform Development:

React Native enables the development of mobile applications that can run on both iOS and Android platforms. Developers can write code once and deploy it on multiple platforms, reducing the need for separate codebases.

JavaScript and React:

React Native uses JavaScript, a widely used programming language, for building mobile applications. It also leverages React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Developers familiar with React can apply their knowledge to mobile app development. - React JSOnline Training

Component-Based Architecture:

React Native has a component-based architecture, which means the user interface is divided into reusable components.

Each component can manage its state, making it easier to maintain and update different parts of the application independently.

Hot Reloading:

React Native supports hot reloading, allowing developers to see the results of their code changes instantly without rebuilding the entire application. This feature accelerates the development process and improves productivity.

Native Performance:

React Native allows developers to build applications with native-like performance by using native components. It uses a bridge to communicate between JavaScript and native code, ensuring a smooth user experience. - React JSOnline Training in Hyderabad

Community and Ecosystem:

React Native has a large and active community of developers, which contributes to its ecosystem of third-party libraries, plugins, and tools. This community support provides resources and solutions for common challenges in mobile app development.

Integration with Native Modules:

React Native allows the integration of native modules written in Java, Swift, or Objective-C, enabling developers to use existing native code and libraries when necessary. This is particularly useful for accessing device-specific features.

Single Codebase, Multiple Platforms:

With React Native, developers can maintain a single codebase for both iOS and Android platforms, streamlining the development and maintenance process. This helps in reducing development costs and time-to-market. - ReactJSTraining Institute in Hyderabad

Support for Third-Party Plugins:

React Native supports the use of third-party plugins and libraries, making it easy to extend the functionality of applications. Developers can leverage existing libraries or create custom modules to enhance their apps.
